Welcome to Hand Writing Experts | Steve Dubedat

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Steve Dubedat Document Services Pty Ltd is located in Sydney and provides an independent, objective and comprehensive forensic document service at competitive rates. Forensic document examination has been instrumental in resolving disputes in both civil and criminal litigation, and other investigations. Analysis are conducted to determine the manner in which a document was prepared, by whom it was or was not executed, and if changes have occurred since its production. Forensic examinations include:
the identification of handwriting and signatures
detection of fabricated and forged documents
determining the source of anonymous or threatening letters
identification of typewriters and other machine generated documents
detection and decipherment of alterations or obliterations
relative dating and sequence determinations of hand written entries
ultraviolet and infrared examinations of ink and paper
detection and preservation of latent writing impressions (ESDA)
Forensic document services are provided to various institutions including law firms, corporations, private individuals, banks, insurance companies, charities, regulatory bodies, government and other investigative agencies in Australia and overseas.
Steve Dubedat has been a forensic document examiner and handwriting expert who has been conducting signature and handwriting examinations and other analysis since 1987 using scientific methodology and principles recognized within the field of forensic document examination. Training was provided over a four year period within the NSW Police Forensic Services Group under the guidance and supervision of several other document examiners and handwriting experts. Since 1991, Steve has given evidence and been accepted as an expert witness in document examination on hundreds of occasions in various jurisdictions.
A wide variety of documents is routinely submitted for analysis, including last will and testaments, business contracts, cheques, invoices, credit card receipts, anonymous letters, lease agreements, insurance forms, legal files and medical records. Detailed reports are supported by expert witness testimony. Pre trial critiques of forensic reports are also offered in preparation for cross-examination of other document examiners and handwriting experts.